Garbage rates to jump in Century

Town to absorb part of the rate increase

Century town residents will see a slight increase in their garbage bill in the amount of 85 cents for monthly service of one garbage can after the Century Town Council did not approve a 5.25 percent Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase of the monthly rate contractually required with Republic Services, but decided instead to absorb some of the cost and not pass it onto residents.

The rate for an additional garbage can will increase from $5.64 to $5.92, a difference of 28 cents.

When a motion was called for by Council President Dynette Lewis after the resolution was read to increase the cost 5.25 percent on one garbage can, curbside debris pickup, and a service fee, no one motioned.

If the council had approved the proposed resolution, residents who pay $26.59 for monthly service currently would pay $27.99. Each additional garbage can that now costs $5.92 would increase to $6.23.

“I don’t agree with the increase,” said Councilwoman Alicia Johnson. “I don’t see justification to increase the garbage rate.”

Town Clerk Leslie Howington explained that Republic goes up by the CPI every year and that this year it is 5.25 percent. She said the town’s curbside debris pickup also goes up by the same amount by policy (not written), and there is a $3.35 service fee.

“If we table this matter, we will be paying out-of-pocket to Republic the 5.25 percent,” said Howington.

Johnson said the town charges $10 in addition to the base cost of garbage pickup and wanted to know where that $10 went. Howington said that $10 goes into the garbage fund, where expenses are taken out for the garbage fund.

“I don’t feel like we can raise every customer’s rate if we are already charging $10 above and beyond per customer,” said Johnson. “I don’t understand why we need to add that cost to our customers.”

With no action taken, the monthly rate for one garbage can will increase from $26.59 to $27.44.

In other business, the council:

-Approved modifications to the Community Development Block Grant Wastewater Grant that provides a six-month extension with approval to move money from the sledge press line item to the lift station project.

-Approved to make modifications to extend the Carver Community Center project for one year.

-Approved the purchase of two 2-inch water pumps for future water leak repairs for an amount not to exceed $3,300 utilizing American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds

-Approved one of two quotes for the purchase and installation of a new drive thru drawer and inside lobby windows and speaker for an amount not to exceed $15,292

-Tabled the purchase and install of new flooring in town hall to get clarifications on submitted quotes

-Approved the purchase of portable lights and a heater in an amount not to exceed $11,950

The next meeting will be held at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 2, at town hall.