Century receives a $3.225 million gift for its centers

Gov. Desantis, Rep. Salzman present funds

On Friday, April 8, Century Mayor Ben Boutwell met with State Rep. Michelle Salzman and Gov. Ron Desantis in Indian Pass, Fla., and was presented a check to the town of Century for $3.255 million to renovate and upgrade the town's two community centers. The money is funded through the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) as part of the Community Development Block Grant-COVID (CDBG-CV) program to promote economic development following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Proposed upgrades to both the Carver Community Center and the Community Center on Highway 4 (Ag Building) include bringing the buildings up to current building code, renovation of their kitchen and bathrooms, installation of an HVAC and air purification system, a new roof and paving the parking lots.

Each will receive other renovations, such as outside lighting, a playground and other renovations.

"I'm tickled to death," said Boutwell. "I was surprised over the whole ordeal."

Boutwell said a governor's aide called him last Wednesday to come to Indian Pass for a check presentation. He said he was thinking the check would be for the town's new water meters and software, which had been applied for through the legislation by Rep. Salzman for $1.3 million.

"I was talking to Salzman after I arrived, and she tells me the budget had not been signed for Florida yet," said Boutwell.

Salzman told him she didn't know what the money was for.

He said Century consultant Robin Phillips talked to DEO that Wednesday morning, and they did not even know anything about it. He said no one he spoke with knew the governor was sending $3.2 million to the town of Century.

"At 11 a.m., I'm handed the check for $3.255 million for the two community centers," said Boutwell.

"One thing I want to do while I am in office is leave behind things for our children, things for our future generations. These things will be huge. We can upgrade our kitchens in both to industrial kitchens. Carver will get a paved parking lot and playground. Carver Community Center is historic and it means so much to this community," said Boutwell.

Boutwell, who retired from working for the military several years ago, coaches youth baseball and says the youth of the community are a big part of his leadership legacy when it comes to the future.

"I want to use some of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money for parks and recreation at McMurray, Showalter and Anthony Pleasant parks, as they all need to be upgraded. It's really huge for the town."

The mayor said it makes him feel good that the leadership for the state, district and county are all working as a team. He feels Century is back on the map and credits the on-going dialogue between municipalities that need financial help and the elected officials in office is the key the town's future success.

He pointed out that County Commissioner Stephen Barry is pushing for broadband, which will benefit both citizens and the community centers.

"That's huge for us," he said. "Fiber optic is coming to those two community centers. We can have computers, after school programs and summer school. The world is our oyster now. The town of Century needs to become part of the 21st Century, and it is happening now. We have so many projects. This check is almost our budget for the year for the town."