Crapps announces re-election plans

Flomaton councilman seeks to keep seat

Flomaton Councilman C.E. 'Buster' Crapps said his family has a deep history and love for the town in announcing he will seek re-election to his District 4 council seat in the Aug. 25 municipal elections.

Crapps, 82, has been a resident of Flomaton since 1950 and said his great grandfather William Crapps signed the original papers to incorporate the town.

Crapps spent most of his career in law enforcement, working for the Escambia County Sheriff's Office and the Flomaton Police Department. This is his second stint on the town council, having previously served under mayors Leon Holt and Frank Davis.

"I've served with three mayors while serving on the council," Crapps said. "Leon Holt, Frank Davis and Dewey Bondurant."

Crapps said it was his concern over the problems Flomaton is facing and the problems the country is facing that made up his mind to seek another four-year term.

"We're facing a lot of problems and I'd like to fight those problems," Crapps said. "We've got financial issues and now the virus. We've lost our state inmate workers, which is a cut in our manpower."

"I'm concerned about our country," Crapps said. "I'm 82 and I've never seen the country so scared to say something that others disagree with because they're scared they'll get fired."

Crapps said he was about 8 years old when his mother took him to a World War II Memorial and he recalls the news footage of the war.

"These guys kept us all safe," Crapps said. "People don't realize how important it is to have freedom of speech. There were times people were persecuted for speaking their mind. That was called Nazi Germany."

Crapps said he's been involved in a lot of the progress that has occurred in Flomaton over the years and wants to stay involved.

"I remember Jackie Aydelott came to me in the 80's wanting to start a senior citizens center and meals on wheels," Crapps said. "I joked that one day I might need it. We had stiff opposition to the plan and we had to fight for it. We also had opposition to developing Hurricane Park. The park would have been delayed at least four years if the council hadn't pushed it through."

"I've voted with my fellow council members for the meals on wheels, for senior citizens, for Hurricane Park and Oaks Common Park, the new library, new town hall, the water tank on Old Atmore Road and several other endeavors," Crapps said. "If you have ever been to, or read about, our council meetings, you would know I and a firm believer of free speech and I'm a strict conservative."

Crapps noted he ran for the county commission as a Republican when being a Republican wasn't popular in the county.

Crapps has been married to the former Nora Bell Barrow for 62 years. She is a retired Intensive Care Unit Nurse. They have one daughter, Lenora Morris, who is also a nurse, two grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

"We all need to work together to make sure we leave this place in better shape for future generations," Crapps said.