Christmas Carol to begin tonight

Play continues until Sunday

Brewton Council of the Arts and Brewton Town and Gown Players are co- producing A Christmas Carol this holiday season, with four performances that kickoff tonight (Thursday) in Brewton.

The production is under the direction of Stephen Billy and consists of 68 cast members that all help bring this classic story to life.

“This is a large show with many moving pieces,” Billy said. “We have several unique special effects in the production, specifically involving the ghosts as they visit Scrooge.”

The production takes audience members back to 19th century London to follow the life of Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserable miser that detests Christmas. Scrooge is soon visited by three spirits that take him to memories from his past, present, and future. Along the journey, Scrooge is reminded of the true meaning of love, life, and friendship.

“A Christmas Carol is a story that I have always loved hearing time and time again,” Billy said. “Though audience members might be familiar with the plot, this production has a swift pace as Ebenezer Scrooge visits many locations with each ghost, making it perfect for audience members of all ages.”

Performances for A Christmas Carol are Thursday, Dec.19, Friday, Dec. 20, Saturday, Dec. 21 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 22 at 2:00 2 p.m. All performances will be held at Woodfin-Patterson Auditorium located on the Brewton campus of Coastal Alabama Community College.

Advanced tickets are available online at Tickets will also be available one hour before each performance at the door. Tickets are $15 for adults, $8 for students ages 3-18.

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