How deep is China's reach?

Despite the dire implications for any future freedom in Asia, Americans have been watching the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong with only a mild passing interest. So they were caught off guard when the National Basketball Association (NBA) suddenly lost a jump ball to the Chinese communists. First off, what does the NBA have to do with China? Turns out the Chinese are huge basketball fans, so China is a huge market for the NBA - who knew?

The NBA brouhaha started when Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey tweeted a picture in support of the Hong Kong protesters. That pro-democracy tweet immediately evoked the ire of the Chinese Communist Party; they promptly told Chinese companies to cut ties with the Rockets and stop broadcasting Rockets games in China. The Houston Rockets are one of the most popular teams in China, so they are losing a wonton of money. Frightened at the prospect of losing a monstrous market, the NBA and its coaches and players rushed to condemn Morey and kowtow to China.

Then the king of basketball dropped his mask and Chairman Lebron James emerged to castigate Morey as ignorant for supporting the Hong Kong democracy demonstrators. Under intense pressure, even Morey tried to distance the Rockets from his personal opinions. When the Chinese communists voiced their displeasure and threatened enormous NBA earnings, Americans were shocked how Chairman James led the NBA to rapidly appease their totalitarian masters and protect their profits. Who needs freedom when you have money?

The NBA is not philosophically tied to Chinese communists, but they are wedded to their revenues. The NBA is not alone. With the world’s largest population, China has gigantic potential markets, so many companies have made deals with the devilish communists for access to those consumers and of course cheap labor. All manner of manufacturers have set up shop in China to help the communists exploit their citizens, but some have gone further.

Apple makes over half its products in China, so when Beijing demanded Apple remove their app which Hong Kong protesters were using to track police crack downs, Apple promptly complied. Receiving severe criticism, Apple temporarily restored it until their Chinese handlers provided a better excuse. Apple deleted it for good when China said the app was being used to “maliciously” target police. Never mind all the reports of police brutality.

Google happily worked with Chinese communists to develop government censored search engines to severely suppress criticism of the government. Their citizens only see government approved information. With Google’s complicity, the Chinese people will only think what the communists want them to think. Google had no problem cashing in freedom of speech for a Chinese monopoly. Google executives may practice capitalism, but they have no allegiance to individual liberty if there is a profit to be made.

They also use their censorship skills here to manipulate what information Americans can find. Google algorithms suppress conservative sources and they have been caught vowing to defeat Trump. Google is anything but an innocent business just trying to sell their services.

In China, Google cooperates with a brutal tyrannical regime to help them maintain their iron grip on power, so they are obviously comfortable with extreme leftist policies and ideology. So is it any surprise they are trying to foist the same leftist propaganda on Americans? Google readily admits their patent liberalism and openly seeks to influence elections. If they will aid Chinese communists, it’s not much of stretch to see they are assisting American leftists in their quest to dismantle our republic in favor of more powerful monopoly protecting government.

Americans are annoyed to learn the NBA is just another pack of money grubbers who will quickly ditch American principles of freedom for a buck. But Americans should be incensed to know Google is currently aiding Chinese communists and actively trying to facilitate that leftist nonsense here! And Americans should be alarmed that China has so much sway if not control of supposedly American companies. China also has great influence in Hollywood and our universities, so it’s time America recognizes China is not just a competitor – China is a formidable adversary. And this enemy already has a beachhead in our board rooms.

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” Matthew 7:15

Rendered 07/12/2024 14:29