Grant will remove tank

Monday night, the Century council approved Town planner Debbie Nickles' request for the Escambia County (Fla.) School System to give a right-of-way site access agreement on Hecker Road at Pensacola State College (PSC) to remove a gas tank left there which will be donated to the Alger Sullivan Historical Society, and install a groundwater monitoring well using Brownfields Grant funds.

“Through Century's Brownfields Grant, we have been working with Esc. Co. (Fla.) School Board, at the right of way, where the school buses used to fill up their gas tanks,” said Nickles. “They withheld a portion that never transferred to PSC where the tanks are located. Through the Brownfields Grant, they will remove the gas tanks and install a groundwater monitoring well to monitor and make sure no leakage or contamination took place. There are groundwater wells there now, but they want to put one closer to where the tanks are once they are removeds.”

Nickles said that there has been no contamination so far and that these are just extra precautionary measures.

She said after this work is done, the school district will transfer the piece of land over to PSC.

“The school district did not have the funds to remove the tanks,” said Nickles. “But the grant will fund the removal of them. The school board will donate gas tank, once it is removed, to the Alger-Sullivan Historical Society because it was a part of Century High School and general history of the town. It has really been a great partnership.”

In a motion made by Councilman Luis Gomez and seconded by Councilman Ben Boutwell, the motion carried unanimously.