Board eyes new policy

The Escambia County (Ala.) Board of Education approved to look at revising several board policies that effect the general grade scale, honors, advanced placement, dual enrollment and dual credit grade scale and Valedictorian and Salutatorian status of students.

The new policy for grading to be approved is: in grades nine through 12, numerical grades in honors, AP and dual enrollment anddual credit courses (approved by the board and, or superintendent) will be weighted by adding 10 points (used for calculating class ranking). When calculating the grade point average on a four-point scale, .5 will be added for approved honors, AP, and dual enrollment anddual credit courses.

A letter of 'A' is 90 to 100, GPA is 4.0 and GPA honors, AP, de&dc is 4.5; 'B' is 80 to 89, GPA is 3.0, AP, de&dc is 3.5; 'C' is 70 to 79, GPA is 2.0 and AP, de&dc is 2.5; 'D' is 60-69, GPA is 1.0, AP, dedc is 1.5 and 'F' is below 60, with GPA of 0.

The new policy for criteria to rank Valedictorian and Salutatorian is: the Valedictorian and Salutatorian for the graduating class of each high school must have been enrolled in the high school on or before the first day of the student's senior year. The student with the highest numerical grade average (calculated and weighted as prescribed in the grading section above) will be the class Valedictorian. The student with the second highest numerical grade average shall be the class Salutatorian. In calculating the numerical grade average, all grades beginning with the ninth grade through the third nine weeks of the student's senior year will be used. The calculated average will be carried out four decimal places and rounded off. In the case of a tie, student having the same average will be recognized as co-Valedictorians and co-Salutatorians.

“This is something we have been discussing for quite some time,” said Escambia County School Superintendent John Knott. “Where this is important is when our students apply for most of our state and federal scholarships, they are all awarded and ranked based on a GPA based on a 4.0 scale. But now there are a lot of scholarships out there now that are outside of that setting, that accept and award scholarships based on a weighted GPA. We want to make sure that our students have the same advantage, or are given the same opportunities as other students around. This is across the state.”

Knott said that this school system is se up on a 4.0 grade scale, like many other school systems.

Knott said they want to add that extra column, showing these are advanced students, with pre-approved credits.

Board member Mike Edwards made a motion to accept the policy change, placing it on the agenda for 30 days, which was seconded by board member David Nolin. The motion carried unanimously.

Board members Coleman Wallace, Cindy Jackson and Danny Benjamin were not present.

Financial report

Chief Financial Officer Julie Madden reported to the school board that there was an unreserved balance in the bank of $12.3 million, which is a 3.9 months operating reserve, down from 4.12 last month due mostly to summer maintenance, Madden said.

Back to school

School staff, such as counselors, assistant principals, bookkeepers, and others began returning to schools Wednesday, July 24. Teachers will return on Monday, August 5. Students will return to school on Thursday, August 8.

Teacher Institute will be at Flomaton High School at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, August 5. Guest speaker will be Robert Hudson.

The next regular school board meeting will be at 4:30 p.m., Thursday, August 15 at Brewton Central Office.