Escambia pays tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice

Retired Marine Col. Jackson reads names of those who were killed

Monday morning on the lawn of the Escambia County Courthouse, a crowd gathered to honor the county residents who died in combat as the nation paused to pay tribute to the many men and women who gave their lives to protect the nation's freedoms.

From the Star Spangled Banner and patriotic songs, the event ended with the playing of taps after retired Marine Col. Charles Jackson read the honor roll naming the county residents who were killed during World War I, World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam and the War on Terror.

As Jackson called the names, relatives of the fallen soldiers made their way to the individual memorial monuments from each war. Seated on the front row were Gold Star Mothers Vivian Milligan and Beulah Nisewonger. Their sons, Johnson Marcus Milligan and Edward 'Jake' Nisewonger were killed in action in Vietnam.

Below is a list of the men and women from Escambia County who gave the ultimate sacrifice for this country:

World War I

John Adams, John Blackman, James Boggan, Everett Brown, Clifford Cunningham, Kevie Digmon, Clifford Dunson, Joe Edwards, Abraham Emmons, Claud Franklin, Adrien Hardy, Robert Hines, Willie Holladay, Quincy Jefferson, Hillery Jernigan, Albert Johnson Jr., Joe Johnson, Oliver Johnson, Sam Johnson, William Ledkins, James Mancil, Sidney Manning*, Robert McArthur, Claud McCall, William McEntire, Charlie Miller, Dewey Morris, Carey Parker, Lewis Richardson, Billy Rushing, Thomas Salter, James Smith, Albert Stanton, Walter Steele, Kellum Walker and Ned White.

World War II

Henry Ardis, Roosevelt Ashford, Robert Atkins, Marvin Baggett, Samuel Bagwell, Edwin Bell, Marion Bell, Charlie Booth, Arthur Bowden, Charlie Brown, John Brown, Nathan Brown Jr., Joseph Camp, Ted Carter, Oliver Cassady, Howard Chavers, Homer Childress, John Clark, Rozell Cobb, Charles Cooper, William Crawford Jr., Harold Daw, Rufus Evans Jr., Tom Farrish, Hillary Findley, Harvie Foster, Bruce Fuqua, Archie Glass, Luther Golden, Charlie Grantham, Louis Green Jr., Travis Hagood Jr., Daniel Hall, Eubie Hall, Lawrence Hall, B.F. Herrington Jr., Clarence Holman Jr., James Holmes, Ira Holt, Jess Huggins, Charles Hutto, Elbert Jenks, Robert Jernigan, Gaston King, Leon Kizer, Huedeen Wilson Lester, George Lundy, Soloman Marshall, Clyde Mathis, Marvin McCawley, Earnest McDonald, Almas McKinley, Harry Merriwether, Emmett Mixon Jr., Wesley Monk, Robert Montgomery, Eugene Nall, J.C. Odom, Sim Ogletree, Comer Owens, William Phillips, Alfred Pickens, James Rodgers, Robert Rowell, Earl Simmons, Albert Sims, Mason Singleton, Linwood Stanton, James Still, Henry Stokes, Malcolm Stone, William Strength, Fellis Taylor, Calvin Thomas, Chester Thomas, Austin Thompson, Alton Travis, Kenneth Turner, Theodore Walton, Arnold Waters, Hollis Wearren, Virgil Weaver, Woodrow Weaver, Dewey White, Maurice White, Thomas White, William White, Iva Wiggins, Alfred Williamson and Charles Wilson.


Ples Booth, Vivian Bryant, James Carter, Joseph Chancery, Willie Daw, Fred Fuqua, Aubrey Godwin, Paul Goodson, Robert Hart, Ruel Howell, Olan Kirkland, Edward Rigdon, Barney Tolbert, Leonard Watson and Carlos Weaver.


Jessie Barlow, Yearl Barlow, Benjamin Barrow, Richard Benjamin, Loye Bradley, Jack Clemmons, William Ellis, Allen Gandy, Charles Gipson, James Gohagin, Larry Gonzalez, Joseph Hammac, David Haveard, Habert Johnson, James Kelly, James Kendrick, Wallace Little, Dalton Lowery, James Madden, Allen Merrit, Johnson Milligan, Kenneth Newton, Edward Nisewonger, William Wayne Seay* Obie Simmons, Donald Smith, J.C. Summerlin, Elmer Taylor, Jimmy Thomas, Larry Thomas and John Winter.

War or Terror

Tamara Thurman, Philip Travis and Christopher Winchester.

*Denotes Congressional Medal of Honor recipients.