Meth charge for Jay woman

A Jay woman is facing one county felony charge of drug possession with intent to sell several days after a traffic stop where possible methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia were discovered.

Katherine Linzy Hawsey, 32, 6469 Daniel Griffis Rd., was arrested Sept. 5 and charged with felony drug possession with intent to distribute following a traffic stop for speeding July 23 on Highway 4 in Jay.

According to a Santa Rosa Sheriff's Office report, Hawsey was pulled over at the Exxon gas station in Jay for being clocked by law enforcement traveling 44 mph in a 35 mph zone. When the deputy made contact with the suspect, he smelled a strong odor of burnt marijuana coming from the interior area of the vehicle.

The report said the officer advised Hawsey about the odor and she advised she allowed a friend to drive her car and they must have smoked it. As the suspect searched for her identification, the officer saw a clear plastic baggie that contained several new small zip baggies that were consistent with selling narcotics, the report said.

When the deputy asked Hawsey why she had the baggies, she advised that she used them for her nail jewelry, although her finger nails appeared not manicured and unkempt, the report stated.

The officer asked Hawsey to exit the vehicle so he could search it due to the smell of marijuana and she complied. Hawsey's person was searched and revealed cash in her bra and a knife inside her right boot.

When he searched her vehicle, the officer located a small tied off baggie of a crystal substance that was located inside the zippered section of Hawsey's wallet, the same where she retrieved her identification and the small baggies were located, the report said.

The officer also located a clear plastic container that had a blue lid with cyrstal substance pieces and one large crystal shard on it. Next to this plastic container was a digital scale that had residue, according to the report. Both crystal substances were field tested presumptive positive for methamphetamine.

Hawsey was arrested for possession of methamphetamine with intent to distribute and possession of paraphernalia on Sept. 5 and transported to the Santa Rosa County Jail where she was given a bond of $16,000.

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