Dragging down children

America is a very diverse nation with plenty of strange folks and different strokes. Pretty much anything goes and can be found to scratch whatever itch, but until lately overt weirdness resided in late night clubs, various entertainment venues, or online. Though thriving and spreading, alternate lifestyles are typically considered adult subject matter and therefore only appropriate for adults. However, as alternate lifestyles try to force their way into the mainstream, the boundary of acceptable public behavior pushes deeper into perversion.

What is considered normal in San Francisco is looking for a beachhead in the Deep South. The Drag Queen Story Hour is coming to the Ben May Public Library in downtown Mobile, Alabama. Originating in San Francisco, The Drag Queen Story Hour is popping up around the country; it consists of a drag queen (a man dressed in exaggerated women’s clothing, more of an ostentatious costume) reading stories to 3-8 year olds. Yes, you read that right. A drag queen in full gender bending regalia will read to toddlers and grade school kids!

In the Deep South, a majority of citizens still find this concept unacceptable public behavior and more importantly highly inappropriate for children, so a controversy is brewing as a grassroots groundswell is voicing their disapproval to local government and media. As expected, elected officials are hiding behind the first amendment and the media is casting the opposition as intolerant backwoods prudes.

To be clear, alternate lifestyles and drag queens have always been around and the birth place of Mardi Gras in North America has always had its share of weird. But there is no concerted drag queen hunt to persecute or exterminate those engaged in alternate lifestyles. The LGBTQ community enjoys liberty to live as they choose with little notice. No one is clamoring to silence drag queens, so this is NOT a First Amendment issue.

Using the First Amendment as a shield, local elected officials are totally evading the real issue. Exposing children to adult topics is wholly INAPPROPRIATE! Society has a duty to protect our children; that’s why we have a movie rating system. Yes, we set restrictions on what is morally and socially acceptable for children. Children can’t buy tobacco products and marketing to them is a crime. Should children be invited to a wine tasting? Should children be taught pole dancing by strippers?

The entire concept of exposing or forcing adult topics on children is absurd! However, there will be some parents who will think this is cool; just like some parents allow their kids to experiment with drugs and alcohol. But society intervenes in destructive behavior. With alternate lifestyles moving from tolerance to acceptance, those parents can make that choice, but such abnormal activities should not be sanctioned by public institutions.

The media is trying to excuse the Drag Queen Story Hour as simple theatrics and the LGBTQ community is screaming intolerance. But make no mistake, this is a preplanned provocation. Militant LGBTQ advocates are spoiling for a fight. They are hoping protesters will be hateful and ugly, so they can claim persecution. They want to paint themselves as victims while they victimize children by indoctrinating them with their adult fetishes.

Very impressionable, children are too immature to handle sexuality. The official Drag Queen Story Hour home page states they seek to “capture the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and give kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.” This is an all-out assault on childhood innocence; it’s on par with showing children pornography. Once this deviant display is allowed in the public library, the public schools are next.

Ultimately, this is not a problem for government; it’s a challenge to societal norms. Our steadily declining society may succumb to perversion as normal, but that devolution does not stop with drag queens – it will continue as the next group of deviants peer over the expanded societal boundary demanding to be let in. Only the citizens can halt the precipitous backsliding by rejecting the extreme notion that adult behaviors are appropriate for children.

The community at large should peacefully and even lovingly show their opposition, but they must be careful not to give the LGBTQ provocateurs what they seek. The drag queens and other oddballs are free to indulge their proclivities, but they do not have the right to drag down the community and especially the children with them.

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea.” Mark 9:42