Century delays tax hike vote

Absent council member prevents council to vote on tax hike and proposed new budget

The absence of Century Councilwoman Dynette Lewis prevented the Century Town Council from moving forward with a proposed 290.66 percent increase in the town's property taxes and approving the 2023-2024 budget.

The council scheduled a budget hearing for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday to approve the tax increase and pass the budget. Town Clerk Leslie Howington said since the tax increase was more than 290 percent, it required a unanimous vote by the council. With Lewis' absence, the council continued the tentative budget workshop until 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 19 at town hall.

Members present Tuesday included interim Mayor Louis Gomez and council members Sandra-McMurray Jackson, Shelisa McCall and Alicia Johnson.

Tuesday's meeting was for the first reading of the ordinance to raise the millage rate from 0.2356 to 0.9204.

Regardless of what the council decides, Century's property tax millage rate will still be below 1 percent.

During the regular council meeting, which began at 7 p.m. the council announced two tentative dates for a special election for mayor and Council Seat 2. Following the resignation of Mayor Ben Boutwell, Gomez was named interim mayor, leaving his Seat 2 position vacant.

A general election to fill those two seats (mayor and Seat 2) will be held on Nov. 1, however if three or more people qualify for those positions a primary election will be held on Nov. 1.

Qualifying for those positions will be open from Tuesday, Sept. 26 thru noon on Friday, Sept. 29 at the Escambia County (Fla.) supervisor of elections office in Pensacola.

Candidates can also qualify at Century Town Hall from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 27.

The council also took no action on a recommendation from Mayor Gomez to enter into a contract with Robert Thompson to become the town's interim town manager.

Gomez told the council that Thompson has agreed to assist the town in the transition of Mayor Boutwell resigning and Gomez being appointed interim mayor.

"I feel like he would be beneficial to the town," Gomez said. "A vote for this guy is a vote for Century.

Flomaton resident Eddie Hammond questioned how that vote would be for the town of Century?

"I think you should do it, you're the mayor," Hammond said.

The council did agree to get bids on the scope of work an interim town manager would be responsible for if the council decided to hire an interim manager.