Jay looks at concession stand options

Although they took no action, the Jay Council Monday night was presented by STOA Architects three different schematics for the new concession stand in the upcoming renovation of the Bray-Hendricks Park and chose one option, with modifications, at a future meeting before they make a decision.

STOA is the architectural firm developing the design and they were at the meeting via ZOOM to discuss the design. The two architects discussed all three options with the council, each with different advantages.

One option offered a breezeway with the meeting room offering views of all the ball fields through windows and a tower that will house stairs and an elevator, which will meet ADA compliance.

One designer said keeping it open and available for airflow would minimize the HVAC costs, but he did say Mayor Shon Owens mention enclosing those areas would give 'more bang for the buck.'

One architect noted there is a gateway leading to the concessions on one side and the restrooms on the other then an entrance to any of the ball fields. On the second floor would be an open meeting room, with views from all sides utilizing dormer windows, which centers the building in the park.

Another option measuring approximately 5,200 square feet takes full advantage of the second story space, which will require adding another stairway. He said they enclosed the upstairs and provided an outdoor deck.

Councilwoman Jane Hayes asked if instead of it being bigger and closed in if it could have more decking, keeping the room size small. Owens expressed concern about cost.

“The only question I have at this point is 5,200 feet,” said Owens. “Being able to afford it.”

Another 2,700 square foot option does away with the breezeway but offers porches outside the concession area. Much more compact, it has a small or medium room above and offers views to the fields through windows or bars.

The architect said he realizes there are other structures to be built in the park and other costs, and that this option still satisfies all the requirements.

Discussion led to modifying the design to incorporate advantages from two or more options. Owens asked about covered space and open space, suggesting some extensions.

“There's no reason for the exposed rafters other than just the design,” said Owens. “I like it, but my fear is, how do we keep it clean?”

Councilwoman Jane Hayes said she liked it.

Of the options the council discussed, Owens wondered about the cost.

The architect said whenever the square footage is increased, at a certain point, they would have to add a set of stairs. The structures were available in 3-D on paper, which helped council members decide what they would like included or omitted.

The smaller concessions and amphitheater were shown in an animated 'walk-through' on the monitor and council members got a glimpse of what the structures would look like as they were positioned in the park.

Owens asked the council members if option three was the general consensus as far as choice, maybe with a little modification and the council agreed.

“I think if we can expand the balcony areas on the top, we could look at that,” said Owens. “From this standpoint, we probably need to get another preliminary and let's evaluate that one more time.”

STOA said they could have something by the middle of next week to come up with a plan incorporating the modifications. They said will provide hard copies of the design for the council and go from there.

Dewberry Engineering representative Crystal Weatherington said she is making some small changes to the entrance since the town will not incorporate the American Legion's field in the plan. She said there are some more small changes that she will make sure the architects at STOA have.

Demolition is set to start early July and Weatherington asked for a specific list from the town for what materials in the current park are to be kept and reused and what is to be disposed of.

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