Stay ready as hurricane's still loom

We were never threatened by Hurricane Dorian, but at this time last week we really didn't know what would happen with the massive storm.

The biggest fear a week ago was that the storm could possibly cross over the southern peninsula of Florida and enter the Gulf of Mexico. As Emergency Management Director David Adams told us there was not much to slow down a storm crossing Florida because the highest point in that state is probably and overpass and not a mountain.

We are fast approaching the 15th anniversary of Hurricane Ivan that devastated this area in September, 2004.

We don't want to cry wolf, but we want people to be prepared. We are at the peak of hurricane season and we simply want to keep people informed about the potential.

Even though we have a website, newspapers are not the best source for storm information. That's why last week we told you to keep your eyes and ears turned to local television and radio stations for the very latest and up-to-date information.

But what we can do is help you prepare. When's the last time you cranked your generator? When's the last time you cranked that chainsaw you bought after Ivan? Do you have gasoline cans? How about propane bottles?

Once we are able to get the word to you that a hurricane is heading our way it may be too late to fix that generator, too late to fix that chainsaw, too late to buy propane and other items because other people got ahead of you.

Just like we will remind you every Fourth of July and every New Year's about fireworks safety, we'll keep reminding you to stay prepared for hurricanes.