The Sunshine Report

Things we did as youngsters can have a way of weathering the years and stay in our minds as if they happened yesterday. One particular occurrence that has remained with me all these years, occurred in a science experiment in elementary school.

The basic ingredients used in this experiment were a jar filled with clear water, some mud and a water faucet. The mud was placed in the jar of water and stirred enough to completely permeate it.

The jar was then placed under a dripping faucet. Drop-by-drop, the muddy water began to become clear water again. By day’s end, the water in the jar was virtually clear. Nothing but a bit of mud residue was visual on the bottom of the jar.

Making positive changes in our lives occur the same way. Muddy, negative attitudes respond to the gradual adding of doses of positive input until the major focus is on the positive.

There is no question in my mind that the attitudes we live by creating the kind of world we live in. The only thing we can really control in life is our own mental attitude. So, to change anything, first, we must change our attitude.

When we possess the right kind of mental perspective and toughness to recognize and develop our potential, we move forward to becoming the successful person our vision tells us that we can become. We tend to perform in a way that we have envisioned.

Approaching life with a positive, forward-looking attitude, does not create new talents and simply helps us to recognize, appreciate and utilize the talent and abilities we already have.

It is important to remember that talents and abilities are not something we possess--They are something we must use…and the more of our talents and abilities we use, the more we realize we have available to use.

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