E. Brewton arrests net drugs

Routine traffic stops in East Brewton resulted in the arrest of two suspects on drug related charges.

On March 22, Trevor Lee Jones, 24 of Arkansas, was charged with unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia after an officer discovered a homemade pipe in his pants pocket after smelling to odor of marijuana.

Sgt. Paige Howell initiated the traffic stop on Gillis Street for failure to use a turn signal. He reported as he approached the vehicle he smelled the odor of marijuana and asked the driver if there was anything illegal in the vehicle. He said the driver, later identified as Jones, said 'no'. A K-9 then alerted on the vehicle and Jones was searched, where the officer found the pipe.

Angel Ivan Contreras, 19, of Decatur, Ala., was arrested March 24 after he turned over 22.5 grams of marijuana over to an East Brewton police officer.

According to reports, Cpl. Brandon Mealer pulled over a vehicle for improper lane usage. Mealer reported when he approached the vehicle he could smell the odor of marijuana and asked the occupants if there was anything illegal in the vehicle. He reported the passenger said he had 22.5 grams of marijuana in the center console.

Contreras was charged with unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia and unlawful possession of marijuana II.