Racism ruse is the progressive's excuse

Earlier this month the national media breathlessly warned the country that white nationalists were descending on our nation’s capital for a huge "Unite the Right" rally. Raw racism would be on display flaunting their white supremacist ideals and taunting Americans with their resurgence. This would not stand. Counter protests were brewing and your dutiful press would expose the ugly faces of racism in modern America.

On that fateful day in Washington, about twenty despicable scoundrels emerged from under various rocks to be greeted by scores of reporters and thousands of counter protesters generously sprinkled with ANTIFA thugs. The counter protestors screamed at them and threatened violence. The media gladly showed the excited throngs counter protesting the tiny irrelevant pathetic white nationalists. Press and protesters were quite self-congratulatory about facing down hate.

What's wrong with this picture? How did a handful of crazy white supremacists capture national media attention for a whole weekend? There weren't enough of them to rent a short bus. The reality is white supremacists have NO following, NO support; and if the media had not promoted their event, NO one would care about their racist ramblings. They would have stood alone with NO audience, but our mainstream media wants them to be heard. The media does not want to expose white supremacists; they want to exploit them.

Make no mistake. No one denies America has a checkered past with dark chapters of racism, but racism is now universally condemned across America and as shown by the pitiful Washington rally has negligible support. So what is going on here? The progressive movement needs racism to justify their radicalism and the media is not only sympathetic but happily complicit.

The progressive movement which is dominated by liberal Democrats and more than a few big government loving Republicans cannot compete in the arena of ideas. Their socialist agenda inevitably leads to big government tyranny, but liberty loving Americans chaff at ever expanding big government control. And with opportunities for middle class prosperity sprouting again in a robust Trump economy, Americans are even less inclined to subscribe to a life of government dependency.

An independent prosperous middle class bodes poorly for the progressive agenda of more government power, so they need a bogeyman. And that bogeyman is racism and a completely erroneous association with the right or conservatives in general. Who came up with "Unite the Right?" Conservatives shun white nationalism and the Republican Party was founded to abolish slavery. One must wonder if dark leftist groups are not propping up white nationalists to have a stalking horse.

In the finest traditions of Saul Alinsky, the concept is quite grotesque and transparent. If leftists can successfully tie the rare racist wackos to conservatives, they can negate any debate. The visceral revulsion to racism will destroy any credibility and preclude any reason for debating any ideas with conservatives. Conservatives would be promptly and categorically denied even a hearing. And that is the goal of progressives both in the press and political class. Shut down any exchange of ideas and declare ideological victory based on the totally false premise conservatism is inherently racist.

To be sure, racism still exists, but the few morons in white hoods are not the real problem. The real racist threat comes from the race merchants perpetually trying to divide us by color and the radical ANTIFA domestic terrorists trying to overthrow a law and order society. These nefarious groups are desperate to keep Americans of varied backgrounds from coming together under the American ideals of liberty and self-reliance.

The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness knows no color. The American dream is available to all who will work for it if the government will stay out of the way. The progressive movement will not thrive in a prosperous America where everybody has equal opportunity, so they must use the racism ruse to excuse their goal for an all-powerful government controlling every aspect of daily life. Strip away the insipid identity politics and ALL Americans will gather under the banner of liberty.

"For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him." Romans 10:12

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